The ASSOCIACIÓ DE VEÏNS I COMERCIANTS DEL TURÓ PARC is a non-profit business association which defends and promotes the interests of the neighborhood's residents and businesses and fosters projects and activities that yield benefits to the greatest possible amount of companies, shopkeepers and neighbors of the Turó Parc.
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The association offers its members a wide array of services that are provided by companies in the insurance, distribution, mobile telephony and health-care sectors with whom the Association has signed partnership agreements. The Association's partners also provide its members with professional advice and services in a range of sectors – labor and tax law, finance, training, media and communications.
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The Turó Park neighborhood contains several beautiful parks that offer green surroundings to its residents. Children can enjoy one of the many rides in the areas assigned for play, adults can find a refuge of tranquility in their busy lives and seniors can stroll underneath the park's oaks, magnolias and palm trees. And residents of all ages can observe the wildlife in the renown water-lily pond. The Turó Park also features gymnasiums and other sports facilities, multiplex movie theaters and prestigious restaurants that serve the finest cuisine.
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