This Association is committed to representing the interests of the neighbors and businesses located within the confines of the neighborhood and to uphold, foster and defend the interests of its members against any party that seeks to violate them.
Moreover, the Association acts as focal point that centralizes the interests of all the businesses and residents located in the neighborhood in order to foster them and induce the widest possible consensus.
The Association brings its strength to bear and defends its members' interests in its interactions with public institutions that have authority over the neighborhood (District Board, City Council, Catalan government, etc.).
The Association represents the interests of its members vis-à-vis the public-service providers that render services within the realm of the Association's mandate (police, garbage-collection, etc.).
It also wishes to undertake activities that foster the economic and social development of the neighborhood.
The Association seeks to facilitate ties between businesses and residents and foster synergies between them.
It will promote activities that engender benefits for the businesses and residents of the neighborhood.
The Association will guide business activities that benefit the neighborhood and achieve the development of its most disadvantaged areas and sectors. |